14 Tips For Better Sleep

Sleep has an incredibly important role to play in overall health.  If you're not sleeping well then there is a very high chance your wellbeing and mental health is being affected.

First, let’s understand the science behind sleeping. The gland that controls our circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) is called the pineal gland. The pineal is a very small gland in the brain, yet very vascular, receiving vast amounts of blood only second to the kidneys.

Now here is the key. The pineal gland also regulates sleep via melatonin and serotonin (both feel-good hormones). When there is poor sleep or insufficient sleep the levels of these hormones drop, which influences your mind & body.

Melatonin is also a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the body and assist in the healing and detoxification process. In a study of 82,000 nurses, it was found those who had six hours or less of sleep each night had a significantly increased risk of cancer.

Now that we know why sleep is so important, here are 14 tips to help you get more and better quality shut eye.

Tip 1

Avoid television before bed, and even better, remove the television from the bedroom. Television is too stimulating and disturbs the pineal gland function, which is needed to produce enough melatonin for a good night's sleep.

Tip 2

Avoid eating your evening meal too late. Sleep may come quickly, however, if your blood sugar falls too low, you may wake up and have difficulty getting back to sleep. Avoid bedtime snacks for the same reason.

Tip 3

Sleep in a room which is as dark as possible. Even small amounts of light can reduce the production of serotonin and melatonin. Also, keep the light off when you use the bathroom.

Tip 4

Avoid loud alarm clocks. It is stressful to be woken up suddenly. Ideally, you should wake slowly with the sun rising. If this is not possible, there are alarm clocks called sun alarms which slowly increase the amount of light in the room, allowing the circadian rhythm to adjust.

Tip 5

Avoid caffeine. Caffeine and other stimulants obviously can keep you awake. Some people, however, do not metabolise caffeine until up to six hours later; so be aware an afternoon coffee may be keeping you awake.

Tip 6

Avoid alcohol and drugs. The body needs to get into a sleep cycle naturally. Drugs and alcohol induce unnatural sleep and become addictive. Alcohol often causes people to wake up later and not get back to sleep. Also, alcohol and drugs prevent much of the healing potential of sleep, as the body is dealing with the chemicals, rather than detoxifying.

Tip 7

Keep a journal. Recording the day's events can help to eliminate any stressors and help you plan for the next day's activities, rather than thinking about then when going to sleep or when you wake up.

Tip 8

Avoid electromagnetic stress (EMS). This means keep alarm clocks away from the bed; avoid heated blankets; check cabling and transformer location. EMS can affect glandular function, and hence melatonin and serotonin levels.

Tip 9

Don't drink fluids within two hours of going to bed. This will avoid the chances of waking up to use the bathroom.

Tip 10

Keep the bed for sleeping. Avoid work and discussions which may increase your awareness.

Tip 11

Buy a new mattress. Studies show approximately 60% of people with mattresses 1-4 years old are likely to exercise the next day; whilst only 6-8% of people with a mattress 8-10 years old. Also, more people with newer mattresses were likely to get 7.5 hours or more sleep.

Tip 12

Exercise is the simplest and most effective way you can get a sound night's sleep. If you have a lot of mental activity or emotional stress during the day, exercise is essential to release this tension. Make certain you are exercising regularly. Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day can help you fall asleep. Don't exercise too close to bedtime, or it may keep you awake.

Tip 13

Wear socks to bed in a cooler climate. This prevents the body from getting too cold and prevents waking up at night. Also, try and keep the temperature constant in the room to avoid overheating or cooling.

Tip 14

Take a hot bath or shower. Water has a relaxing effect and washes away the day's stresses.

There you have it. 14 simple tips to get better sleep. Hopefully these help you reduce stress and increase your happy hormones.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


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